Co-Founder of Re:Down
By Kelvin Trautman
Eric Firmann is co-founder of Re:Down, a company that recycles down and feathers from discarded consumer goods and turns them into products such as sleeping bags, bedding and other apparel. Re:Down also up-cycles broken feathers and down fibers into effective organic fertilizers, all towards their mission of zero waste.
Eric describes passion and work with Re:Down as being a result of “the rapid evolution of mass consumption and its consequences on the environment and on our natural resources.” In Europe alone, it is estimated that annual textile waste comes up to 7,500,000 tons. Eric’s work with Re:Down is integrally linked to the global water crisis in that their recycling and zero waste focus reduces the invisible water footprint of manufacturing.
With over 20 years in the Textile industry, Eric co-founded Re:Down “in order to make this industry more sustainable and actively participate to make a better world!”
Eric’s commitment to environmental sustainability and his zero waste initiatives are why he is one of our #100WaterHeroes
Eric Firmann: linkedin.com/in/eric-firmann-817b18154
Re:Down: linkedin.com/company/re-down/